Virginia Hart Nelson,


Hypnotherapy is a very gentle process that allows one to by-pass the busy outer mind. You are still present & aware, but in a more meditative-like state where your deeper knowing and transformative abilities can serve you. This process has many applications and is a powerful therapeutic tool for growth and change.

Within you is the source of all you need to manifest a fulfilling life. In a deeply-relaxed state you are able to access the wellspring of your creative powers, acknowledge your essential nature, and release old habits or ties that are no longer serving you. Sessions are usually 90 minutes.

  • Initiate positive new habit-patterns

  • Relinquish your triggers for procrastination, anxiety, phobias, depression, fears, stress, fatigue ...

  • Complete tasks, stop smoking, lose weight, speak up, prioritize, let your uniqueness shine ...

  • Increase confidence, physical health & vitality, creativity, innovative ideas, concentration, abundance, ease ...

  • Access your soul purpose

  • Learn self-hypnosis and other centering techniques for use in your daily life

Gift Certificates are available.

For more information about one-on-one hypnotherapy sessions:
email Virginia at or call her at 416-960-1690.

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Insomnia/Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation is almost an epidemic in our society. Whether chronic or intermittent, there are some simple things we can do to change even life-long patterns. On the surface, there are a host of reasons as to why we do not regularly experience deep and replenishing sleep. And we know that lack of sleep can compromise many aspects of our lives, including co-ordination, attentiveness, clear thinking, perspective and optimism. And often we overeat to compensate for our lack of energy. So, if we can make improvements in this most fundamental aspect of our lives, it has a ripple effect that can be quite liberating.

While there are lifestyle factors that can be vastly improved, including co-operating with our bio-rhythms, even when this is not possible (shift work, many demands on our time, etc.), there are compensating habit-patterns we can put into place that will allow our physical and emotional systems to relax.

Highly creative people are famous for insomnia. Medical and age-related issues can also be contributing factors, but in today’s world, by far the greatest impediment to sound sleep is worry and anxiety. Overachievers and work-alcoholics can also make enormous gains through both lifestyle changes and the meditation, breathing and self-hypnosis practices that are offered here. Deep relaxation and energy balancing (through Reiki and Attunement) are also shared, as well as learning to make time your ally.

When we are able to find respite and to calm our mind, even if only briefly at first, our endocrine system (seven ductless glands that emit hormones) is able to relax and function optimally. While supplements can be of assistance, it’s good to know that we can receive the benefits of our own inner-pharmacy.

Whether your insomnia is long-standing or intermittent, there is much you can do to initiate positive changes that can become foundational.

Sessions are 90 minutes.

For more information about these one-0n-one sessions:
email Virginia at or call her at 416-960-1690.

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Remembering Other Lifetimes

Remembering other parts of yourself and the huge body of experience you've already gained over many lifetimes is very empowering. It can also answer questions as to why you are experiencing certain life situations, phobias, or factors in your relationships. The familiarity of other time periods, talents, cultures, geography and gender can surprise you and add new depth and insights into your current life.

Click here to read "Revelations of Other Lifetimes Through Past Life Regression," OmegaSource Magazine, Fall-Winter Issue 2003/4

Gift Certificates are available.

For more information about these one-0n-one sessions:
email Virginia at or call her at 416-960-1690.

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Soul Purpose

Remembering your overriding Soul Purpose allows you to connect with your Higher Self and to move through seeming barriers. It opens you to express your true nature, adding richness and ease in your life.

For more information about these one-0n-one sessions:
email Virginia at or call her at 416-960-1690.

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Vibrational Healing/Energy Alignment
Reiki or Attunement

Rest in a place of deep peace and rejuvenation, allowing the Universal Life Force - which is Love - to balance and regenerate your body, mind and Spirit on all levels.

Gift Certificates are available.

For Reiki Classes and Certification, click here.

For more information about these one-0n-one sessions:
email Virginia at or call her at 416-960-1690.

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For more information:
contact Virginia by telephone - 416-960-1690
or by email -