Usui Shiki
Royho System of Reiki Natural
promotes healing and regeneration on
all levels
and is a natural form of
preventative medicine.

Reiki is a form of vibrational healing.
The practitioner harnesses the Life Force
in his or her hands and lays them gently
on the recipient at specified points.
Reiki stimulates one’s natural tendency to
be vibrant, and is beneficial in
maintaining and extending one’s balance,
perspective, health, and emotional
well-being. It can assist in slowing the
aging process. Reiki also stems trauma and
accelerates healing during times of
extreme stress as well as pre and
post-surgery. For some examples of healing
applications, please read Stories
of Healing with Reiki &
Hypnotherapy in the
Articles Section, which appeared in Vitality
Magazine, Fall 2021.
became a Traditional Reiki Master in May
1994, having been certified in all three
levels with the American Reiki Master
Association (ARMA) in 1993/94. Virginia
has been treating others since that time.
The late Dr. Arthur Robertson who was
President of ARMA studied with Iris
Ishikuro, who was initiated by her friend
Hawayo Takata. Mrs.Takata studied with Dr.
Hyashi who is the direct link to Dr. Mikao
Usui. In lineage, therefore, Dr. Robertson
was only four people removed from Dr.Usui.
Hawayo Takata is the linchpin who
introduced Reiki into North America.
Virginia was attuned by ARMA
Vice-President (now President) Caroline
- Reiki I
to give treatments to yourself and to
others. Includes a fully-illustratred
workbook and Certificate.
will receive your certification as a First
Degree Reiki Practitioner by learning:
- How
to harness the Life-Force Energy
- Principles
of Healing
- How
to calm and center yourself prior to a
- How
to transmit the Life-force through your
- Treatment
points in relation to the endocrine
system and chakra centers
- Symbolic
aspects of each chakra centre
- Becoming
aware of the electro-magnetic field
- How
to expand your awareness and become more
sensitive to others
- How
to give yourself a treatment, and to
treat another
- The
history of the pure Usui method
- Recommended
- A
personal Attunement (at each Level)
- How
the healing current also enhances you
everytime you offer a treatment
Universal Life Force flows to the
recipient through your hands, addressing
their body, mind, heart and spirit, as
well as offering a blessing to you, the
transmitter. The current of healing love
has many applications beyond yourself,
family, friends, colleagues and/or clients
- and we will discuss these. You will be
personally attuned into the First Level of
Reiki healing.
are held each month near Yonge & St.
Clair, close to the subway. Guest parking
is available. Fee for the 8-hour course is
$190.00. A fully illustrated workbook and
certificate are provided.
sign up: email
Virginia at virginia@theinnereye.ca
or call her at 416-960-1690.
to top

- Reiki II
more specific healing applications and
how to hold energy more potently.
Includes a fully-illustratred workbook
and Certificate.
about private classes.
II brings you to a higher level of
practice by learning:
- How
to hold and direct a more potent current
of life-force energy
- Special
exercises for mastering breath, vitality
and regeneration
- The
origin of Tibetan and Sanskrit symbols
- Attuning
the chakra centers
- Integration
of the Reiki Symbols for specific
healing applicaitons for the physical
body, mental clarity and emotional
- Other
life applications for Reiki
- Long-distance
healing and its many benefits and uses
- A
method of self-energizing
- Increasing
the power of your inner eye
- A
personal attunement.
will be personally attuned into the Second
Level of Reiki healing. Fee for the 8-hour
course is $190.00. A fully illustrated
workbook and certificate are provided.
To sign up: email
Virginia at virginia@theinnereye.ca
or call her at 416-960-1690.
to top

- Reiki Master (III)
two day course is also a time of
personal replenishment.
Includes a fully-illustratred workbook
and Certificate.
Master Classes by arrangement.
Reiki Master Level is for those who are
dedicated in their desire to apply this
healing modality in their own life and to
increase inner-peace. You will already
have had some experience in giving
treatments to others, to yourself, and
using the Reiki principles in your own
For years, I have had many students who
did not plan to go on to teach or even to
have a private Reiki practice, but who
nevertheless wanted to benefit from the
affirming nature of the teachings at the
Master Level. You will learn more advanced
healing techniques, a Master Spiritual
Exercise, as well as reviewing the
Principles of Healing, ethics, and
anomalies that can occur. We will also
cover perspectives on the nature of
disease, personal centering, and more…
You will receive the Master Empowerment
Symbol and learn how to attune and
initiate another by holding a specific
focus of empowerment and upliftment for
the one before you.
If you should decide to go on to teach
Reiki, you will be qualified to do so,
after a period of practicing and
integrating the ability to attune another
in the initiation process.
Master Classes are given at mutually
convenient times. The fee for this two-day
course is $495.00.
sign up: email
Virginia at virginia@theinnereye.ca
or call her at 416-960-1690.
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