of Other Lifetimes Through Past Life Regression
Virginia Hart Nelson, C.CHt.
OmegaSource Magazine, Fall/Winter 2003/4
Have you ever had recurring dreams, day and night dreams,
about places and people who do not now exist? Do you have
rocky relationships with some people and can't understand
why? Past Life Regression can help. Here are a couple
of examples of the revelations I have seen in some of
my clients.
A woman in her 50's came to me, who for decades, could
hardly bear to be in the same room with her mother. She
also had difficulty speaking up for herself. In a few
sessions, she remembered why. In previous incarnations
with her mother - both were in different life roles -
she had been subjected to betrayal, rape and murder. It
wasn't a matter of reliving the trauma, rather of recognizing
that it happened. Ultimately, she was able to forgive,
and discovered why her mother also had difficulty expressing
warmth and affection and was living in a kind of prison.
Many clients have remembered lifetimes as North American
Natives. These lives have proved to be deeply moving because
the individual felt what it was like to read the land,
knew this continent as it was before industrialization,
and remembered an intimacy with the plant and animal world
which is foreign to most of us today. A single mother
of four recently remembered herself as a scout and shaman
on the Great Plains many centuries ago, and in another
session, as an enlightened Bishop in the 1300's. She found
new wisdom within herself through remembering.
We have all played all the roles: white, black, yellow,
red, male, female... Wouldn't it be something if even
a small percentage of the population were to do some of
this work (a critical mass affects the whole) - prejudice
would dissolve because we would know intimately what it
is to see through another's eyes! With the filters removed,
we can see people and events in a larger context and something
fundamental within us is freed up.
The process of past life regression goes like this. I
have the client lie on a comfortable bench in my office.
I sit beside them and talk them down into a deeply relaxed,
meditative state - both body and mind. We have already
decided on a focus or intent to allow the lifetime that
will be the most insightful to him/her at that time to
emerge. And over an hour or two, from that place of stillness,
the wise soul within each of us reveals the remembrance.
Some other points on past life regression are that each
session is completely different. There is a knowing that
we are timeless and unlimited. Occasionally a part of
oneself, another life, might have found the inner peace
that we are now searching for, and will share it with
us. Ultimately everything is available to us if we trust
ourselves and allow our consciousness to expand.
To read more about this fascinating subject, I recommend
Many Lives, Many Masters (1988) by Brian L. Weiss. It
is one of the more insightful and riveting accounts of
reincarnation and the power of one's capacity to heal.
Dr. Weiss' patient, Catherine, not only became free of
debilitating depression, but she channeled lots of universal
wisdom, which is included in the book.

Virginia Hart Nelson, C.CHt.
is a Past Life Regessionist, Clinical Hypnotherapist,
Attunement Practitioner and Traditional Reiki Master who
has been in practice for 10 years. You can reach her at
416-960-1690 or
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