Disappearance Of The Universe
by Gary R. Renard
420 p. ISBN 0-9656809-5-9 $29.95 Hay House Inc.
Book Review by Virginia Hart Nelson, C.CHt.
The Lotus Leaves, Vol 12, Issue 1,
Spring 2005
Classical Martial Arts Centre
In December 1992, Gary Renard, a guitarist and private
investment counselor living in rural Maine, received
a visit from two ascended Masters named Arten and Pursah.
His life would never be the same. This book is the result
of their provocative teachings over nine years.
For many, this will be a startling read. But it’s
a page-turner with profound and exhilarating themes that
challenge religious & scientific conventions, as
well as most New Age beliefs. It’s also funny and
irreverent. The Disappearance Of The Universe reframes
commonly held notions such as The Fall of Man, which
says that there was once a Golden Age on Earth, and then
man left the Garden and fell in consciousness. Also that
God created the universe - and man – in His own
image… But no, say Arten & Pursah, not only
did God not create the universe, nor man, the very Fall
itself was the original Big Bang - an event so shocking
we are still reeling from it! Arten & Pursah reveal
how the unconscious guilt we carry about what we think
happened, will continue to play itself out in our daily
lives until we wake up from the dream. And this book,
they say, actually offers a way out. While it may not
be an overnight process, it is doable, through the nature
of forgiveness. A Course In Miracles is referenced, as
well as the other identities of Arten, Pursah and Gary
Other elements covered: why the universe isn’t evolving (despite how
dazzling it may seem!), the Crucifixion of Jesus, Shakespeare’s true
identity, crop circles, why we are not in the process of spiritualizing our
atoms, why the ego loves shock and how it cleverly disguises the nature of
reality, why the Buddha reincarnated one more time, some future events, how
healing actually occurs… Within a year, The Disappearance Of
The Universe went into its 5th printing, mostly by word-of-mouth, until being taken over
by Hay House in the fall of 2004.
A seeming-riddle by Moses Cordovero of the Kabbalah
sums up this book: “God is all reality, but not
all reality is God.”
As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Past-Life Regressionist
who has been reading metaphysical literature for over
30 years, I find this book cuts uniquely to the chase,
with the added benefit of making A Course In
Miracles more accessible.
If you are interested in exploring these issues, call
for information on Virginia’s Meditation & Study
Group based on The Disappearance Of The Universe:

Virginia Hart Nelson, C.CHt. is
a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past-Life Regressionist,
Attunement Practitioner and Reiki instructor who has
been in practice for 10 years. You can reach her at
416-960-1690 or
more information on any of the above workshops:
Virginia by telephone - 416-960-1690
or by email -